LAYERS: Unnatural Personality Quirks That Make You Unbearable
Thomas Bayne

The ONLY method to attract beautiful, feminine & ‘Low-Exposure’ girls this 2024

The ONLY method to attract beautiful, feminine & ‘Low-Exposure’ girls this 2024

‘Layers’ is a modern social phenomenon – it's the ‘subconscious’ red flags you’ve developed from the digital age.

Resulting in superficial relationships with superficial women – attracting the wrong women in your life, and repulsing the women you really want.

My book ‘Layers’ goes deep into this phenomenon and shows the 3-step framework to get rid of it.

This book is not about ‘game’ pick-up, or any psychological gimmicks. This is a social epidemic that NO ONE has even realized yet.

This is killing men’s (and even women’s) dating lives and is stopping you from developing genuine connections.

If you know deep down you deserve better relationships then this is for you.
Written by Bayne
"The Cold Approach Savant"

+14 LAYERS that are killing your dating life.

Inside my book, I identified 14 ‘layers’ that repulse high-quality women. If you’re not happy with the quality of women you’re attracting, then you have layers.

If you’ve seen beautiful girls but can’t muster up the courage to speak with them, then you have layers.

If your favorite influencers with the six pack and the nice cars don’t have legit receipts of them with 9s and 10s, then they have layers.

Skeptical? Check out my receipts:

They call me BAYNE.

For 6 Years, I’ve been living in Eastern Europe, not only cold approaching the most beautiful women on Earth but also texting them, having them on dates and creating wholesome relationships.

I did all this without a six pack, fancy cars – heck, I don’t even brush my teeth.
6 years of trial and error, attracting stunning women (and also observing the countless men who’ve epically failed at it) made me discover the concept of Layers.

Discovering this ‘cheat code’ allowed me to push the game far beyond anyone else. Nobody else is posting that quality of receipts at the same scale.

Go ahead, think of anyone else posting the same quality of receipts as I have.

I’ll wait.

No one? thought so.

Time is running out bratan,

Picture this:

Being in a relationship with a beautiful ‘low-exposure’ cute girl who cares about you deeply. She doesn’t pick fights…

She doesn’t care how much money you make, or what your body type is.

If you ever argue, she locks herself in a room devastated rather than go out and get drunk.

She doesn’t care about her IG followers and only seeks validation from YOU alone.

She doesn’t compare you with other guys so you don’t have to put on a performance.

She’s just a sweet innocent cute girl that is MADLY in love with the REAL YOU.

How much are you willing to invest to take control of your dating life?

To experience the dating life that every man dreams about?

Including those influencers you’ve been following.

Do they have the same quality of receipts as me?

Not a single one of them.

Who do you think is the most qualified to teach you this?…Exactly.

I spent 6 good years of my life (including countless rejections and embarrassments) to discover this groundbreaking seduction concept… that not a single soul knows about.

Including those dating coaches that are charging you hundreds and even thousands of dollars just for cheap gimmicks and tricks.

Good news is that I won’t be charging you that amount.

I won’t even charge you a hundred, not even $50.

All it takes for you to start learning from the one true undefeated master of cold-approach is…


A simple chump change that you can find on your wallet right now.Why am I doing this?

Because I’m sick and tired of these frauds.

Dating coaches who use stock photos.

Self-proclaimed ‘playboys’ who are dating 5s and 7s at best.

This is your one true chance to get rid of the garbage and get life-changing results in your dating life.

But you’re time is running out, bratan,

Because the way I see it, you have three choices:

Keep doing what you’re doing, talk to club-quality women, stick to your dating apps.

And waste your youth away dealing with all the headache and the drama.(And they’re not even THAT hot)

And keep listening to frauds who actually are dealing with the same problem as you.

Second, spend years of your life and thousands of your hard-earned money figuring it out on your own.

Hell, even try googling Layers (I guarantee you won’t find anything about it. Go on, try it)

But third?

Letting me do the hard work for you.

Let me give you the keys to your dream dating life on a silver platter.

Buy Layers today, and I guarantee this……you’ll raise your standards.

Elevate your dating life.

And once you apply the strategies I teach…

…you will have a much better quality of women around you.

Click the button below to grab your copy.

I’ll see you on the other side

– Bayne.


Access to the E-Book
Access to THREE Q&A videos with Bayne about Layers and Cold Approach (+3h of exclusive video content)
15 min LAYERS Assessment call to identify your layers
Cold Approach Digest (ONE month of tips about cold approach in your inbox)
Delivery: Instant
Access to the E-Book "LAYERS: Unnatural Personality Quirks That Make You Unbearable" in PDF Format
Cold Approach Digest (ONE month of tips about cold approach in your inbox)
Delivery: Instant
Access to the E-Book "LAYERS: Unnatural Personality Quirks That Make You Unbearable" in PDF Format
Access to ONE Q&A Video with Bayne about Layers (+1h30)
Cold Approach Digest (ONE month of tips about cold approach in your inbox)
Delivery: Instant